What Our Clients Say

What did I take away from the group? That I was reminded that I have all these tools that I haven’t been putting to use to further my path of my unfoldment and I needed a nudge. As well that I had forgotten how much I like to do groups.  I learn so much because I can relate to what someone said that I hadn’t thought of. I like the encouragement from the group as well as being able to encourage others. 

I have always done well in groups. I had a level of safety right of the bat because of knowing you, Linda and Char. As great as that was, I think the next group you do I would rather not know people excluding Kendry and you. Then I really need to dig deep and stretch one more time out of my comfort zone, I feel I would grow more. And I get to meet new people.

I really liked that you started and ended on time every week, that was impressive! Especially because we were all able to check in share our homework and you as well got to check in and still read and shared what the next week assignment was going to be. I really liked that the

group was small it was the right size I think it would be more of a challenge if there were more people. No more than 6 or 7 including yourself we get to build intimacy and trust in the group. Oh, one last thing it was really good to have men and women. 

Kiki, thank you again for sharing all your knowledge and the work that you had to do on yourself so you could share with us these gifts.


I participated in an 8-week course provided by Kiki Gregoriante of Entheous Transformational Coaching.  I felt that the group purpose/outcome was to become aware of how to overcome the thinking and resulting emotions that hold us back from participating in the full spectrum of life i.e contribution with our community, personal goals, financial success, family, friends, etc. 

The group that I participated in ended up being a group of 10 women from various backgrounds and ages, and each week we were assigned a task to focus on, and then the next week each of us shared our outcome, success, struggle, and achievements with the assignment and how the assignment helped us face and overcome the obstacles (mainly our thinking) of our current life goals. 

I would recommend this course for anyone and everyone, as it left me being reminded that I need to remember that what you think about and how you view the world is what you bring about in your life.  I also felt that I made great connections with the other participants, and we were able to share our common issues and be vulnerable with one another in order to be honest with ourselves about the areas we need to focus on in order to live that great life that we each deserve, and in the process be reminded that none of us are on life’s journey alone.

Lana L.

For lack of a better title, I’ll call our eight weeks together “Kiki’s Inspirational Boot Camp”.  That’s exactly what it was, inspirational, open-minded, safe, fun and creative.  I thoroughly enjoyed the session.

The camp enabled me to be:






I waited a couple of days before I wrote down my thoughts because I wanted a little time to pass from our last session. I confirmed that I don’t have any huge revelations about our time together other than it was reinvigorating. It made me think of where I am in my life, what my short-term and long-term goals and plans are, what I need to fix to make myself happier and what I can fix to make those around me better and happier.

Kiki, I’m left with the thought that you should have charged us for your time and thought-provoking assignments. It was free group therapy! I listened to my fellow group members and realized that many of us are anxious over the same things, nobody’s life is perfect, and that striving for self-improvement and happiness is a life-long effort.

I’m definitely reinvigorated from our time together.  Our last assignment about our 25 most positive personality traits has led me to think about and want to write down my most negative traits as well. Hopefully, I won’t have 25 of them!  I’ll keep you posted.

What you did for us was very generous, gracious, and very much appreciated. You are a very special, charismatic, dynamic, intelligent and giving person and leader!  To share your talents and experiences with us directly benefited our group and encouraged me to be more open.

I wouldn’t change anything about the format or content of the boot camp.  I do believe that many more than just the six of us would benefit from this if people just realized how helpful and thought-provoking it was. With that in mind, if you made the group any larger you would need to extend the session to maybe 90 minutes.  

Again, kudos to you for doing this. I feel like I have, in you, someone that I can trust. I want you to know that you have a new life-long friend. I really respect you and encourage you to do these sessions on a bigger scale and to get paid for it!

Thank you!


Kiki's Inspirational Boot Camp