About Us


Kiki Gregoriante

Owner, Coach

I have been in the mental health field for over 3 decades, counseling and coaching a variety of amazing people. My primary passion is to help courageous people break free of their emotional baggage and fears, allowing them freedom and a path to create an extraordinary life for themselves. Coaching incredible souls in paving a path to their dreams and desires and witnessing their fortitude to live their best lives has been such an honor and privilege. 

My work is about inspiring others to see what is possible, to have the courage to be their authentic self and expand their lives to anything they desire.   One of the greatest gifts I have been given is the ability to hold sacred space to help others find their strengths and stretch into new capacities. I have a team of the most phenomenal people that work with me to help clarify goals, then design simple, specific tools and strategies that will keep you on course.   You know the saying,” nobody gets to the Olympics without a coach.” 

Having a coach keeps you accountable to accomplish the goals and dreams. Whatever area of your life you want to grow and improve, health, career, relationship, artistic goals, Team Entheos can help you live a life beyond your wildest dreams.

Kiki founded ETT & associates working with individuals, couples, families, and adolescents in all areas
of counseling for over thirty-five years. 


Christine M Gregoriante, LMFT, CHT, Ford Institute Coach

Kendry Mussetter

Operations Consultant

I have worn many hats in the business arena, beginning my professional career as the youngest co manager of a large corporate retail store. I enjoyed the fast-paced, ever-changing environment, and I thrived. I then started my life as a mother and decided this is where I wanted to spend my creative energy guiding my children to be amazing humans. In making my choice to focus on child-rearing, I decided to be entrepreneurial and created positions that would support ongoing income while maintaining the flexibility to focus on my children. As my children grew up, I was ready to utilize my skills and abilities and take on new challenges. I felt the best fit was to provide the infrastructure and support for entrepreneurs and small business owners to implement their vision, their “castle in the sky,” and be the foundation they could build from.

I do many of the things, tasks, and duties that “big idea” people hate, which are my favorite things to do. To be organized, meet deadlines, and forge out into an unknown future with a strong positive ideal that adds to the momentum of the dream so it can come to fruition. This is my role, you must have a strong structure to hold up that castle in the sky, and that is what I do and what I love! Let the creators create! I will be here making it happen. 

Kiki and I have been best friends for many years and thoroughly enjoy each other! We both find supporting people in defining their personal goals and helping them remove the blocks to achieving those goals a joy and fun-filled process. We hope you’ll join us!